Friday, March 1, 2013

Are you afraid of death?

 Self-preservation is natural.

It is a God-given instinct that we
cling so desperately to life.

And yet we know that death is inevitable and that
one day this life will cease for us
and a new life will begin.
If we are wise, we will not shrink from the thought of death, but will prepare for it since nothing short of eternity depends upon it.

Comfort for the Sick and Dying is a goldmine for Christian caregivers and essential reading for wise souls who want to prepare for serious illness or even death, either of which can come any day—even to those of us in perfect health.

Comfort for the Sick and Dying
by Msgr. David L. Greenstock
192 Pages - $10.95
With refreshing clarity and fidelity to Scripture, Msgr. David Greenstock shows you how to let Jesus Himself dimish your fear and give you strength in these trials.  You'll learn how to make better use of the sacraments to gain spiritual sustenance; you’ll even discover how to transform your sufferings into occasions for communion with God.

Best of all, you’ll learn how to resist the temptations that especially afflict sick people, and how best to pray, when you’re sick, to the God who assures you He will wipe away all your tears.

This is one book you will want on your bookshelf, never too far away, and always available to guide and direct you or your loved ones in their time of need.

Click here to order
Comfort for the Sick and Dying, or . . . 


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Last year Pope Benedict XVI declared St. John of Avila the 34th "Doctor of the Universal Church."

For St. Francis de Sales he was "the learned and saintly preacher." St. Francis Borgia called him "the Great Master," and St. Teresa of Avila named him "the Master of things spiritual."

Let St. John of Avila guide you as well.  In Finding Confidence in Times of Trial, he will teach you many lessons, including:
* How suffering is frequently the means God chooses to reveal His mercy and His design for your life.
* True beauty: for Christians it will shine out in poverty, chastity, and fidelity, not in the luxuries and comforts of this world.
* The easy graces of the liturgical year: one of the surest ways to grow in holiness.
* The dangers of personal resolutions: These are often built upon pride and mistaken notions, but God sends us every day trials to transform us into His spiritual champions.
* How a Christian should prepare himself for Holy Mass, how to approach the Blessed Sacrament, and what real participation in the Sacrifice means.
* That weakness, persecution, and infidelity are often found within the institutional Church, and what we can do to combat it.

Save 25% when you order the set!
Click here to order BOTH books and
nter code Comfort25 at checkout.

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