Thursday, May 9, 2013


I am sure we have all experienced the situation of Jesus when He says, “I have so many things to tell you.” I remember a time when I was visiting some friends in Australia. I was bursting with news to tell them: about my life, mission experience, and so many other stories. Upon seeing them I didn’t know what to say first because I had so many things to say. How do you communicate the marvels of God? Jesus is in this predicament. And He has the answer: The Spirit of truth will come and lead you to the complete truth.

Pilate posed this question to Jesus at His trial: “What is truth?” Jesus says elsewhere in His ministry, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.” Truth is embodied in His person. His whole life is a manifestation of truth.We find this truth in those intimate times of communion — the power of prayer. Many of us are searching for truth, like Pilate. Others may influence us to look this way, or to follow this idea, all in the name of truth. Pilate experiences this himself as he comes to grip with the person of Jesus. He didn’t want to listen to his wife, who seemed to speak prophetically into his life, “Don’t mingle with this man (of truth). I have suffered enough,” relating to a dream she had during the night of Jesus’ arrest.

I am often inspired by many people who speak wonderfully about faith. We can go and listen to a talk, or attend a conference, and be blown away by the insights, wisdom and thoughts of the speaker. This is the work of the Spirit of truth. He convicts, guides, reproves and challenges us. The Spirit is actively involved in the life of every believer. Jesus wants us to have this openness, yet it is too much for the disciples to bear. Hence, He tells them to wait for the Spirit to come and then they will be led into complete truth.

The same call beckons us as the Great Pentecost approaches. Let us be with the disciples in waiting for the Spirit of truth. Let Him enlighten us in His ways and truth — the complete truth. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you open to the Spirit of truth or do you find comfort in the allurement of lies?
Lord, send us Your Spirit of truth and help us to always abide in it. Amen.

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