Friday, October 17, 2014

When divorce is not an option

God has put you and your
spouse together for a reason —
and it's not to argue.

You are bonded together
to cultivate in each other those
virtues that lead to sanctification.

That's why this book
isn't just about saving your
marriage — it's about transforming
it into a joyful, loving relationship.

In these pages, acclaimed
author and renowned therapist
Dr. Greg Popcak shows you how to
heal the hurt in your marriage . . .

. . . and how to resolve conflicts,
renew the love you once had, and
discover the passion you always wanted.

The difference between happy and
unhappy marriages, explains Dr. Greg,
 lies in the habits — both good and bad —
that are practiced in the home.

Soon you too will discover the
simple, positive habits that facilitate
mutual respect and cultivate virtue.

Do you feel you're alone in
trying to improve your marriage?

When Divorce Is Not an
 offers sensible ways you
can work alone at resolving conflict,
repairing damage, and maintaining intimacy.

Because of the graces
given to husbands and wives,
you have tremendous untapped
power to be a catalyst for change —
even if your spouse isn't trying!

You'll also learn . . . 

  • Eight marriage-friendly habits that couples in healthy relationships exhibit
  • What to do when you feel your spouse is out to get you
  • How your mind handles feelings and emotions and what you can do about it
  • How to make God part of healing your marriage
  • How to see your spouse's faults as opportunities to grow in holiness
  • Tips for keeping conversations focused on solutions instead of emotions.
"Dr. Greg Popcak offers practical wisdom
rooted in a profound understanding
of human nature and divine grace."
Christopher West

"I heartily recommend
this book to all who hope that
marriage can last forever."
Rev. Francis Hoffman, JCD
Executive Director, Relevant Radio


When Divorce Is Not an Option:
How to Heal Your Marriage
and Nurture Lasting Love

By Dr. Greg Popcak
336 Pages — $19.95

Order Online

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Authors Art and Laraine Bennett re-introduce the age-old concept of the four classic temperaments, and show you here how to use them to understand yourself, get along with others, and grow closer to God.

The Temperament God Gave Your Spouse is designed especially for couples and guaranteed to improve your marital communication, intimacy, and happiness.

In no other kind of human relationship is knowledge of the temperaments — the fundamental personality traits, hard-wired into us at birth, that affect the way we respond to the world around us — so critical, and so fruitful, as in a Christian marriage. For it’s only through mutual understanding of our own patterns of reaction, and those of our spouse, that we can motivate, nurture, respect, and above all, love each other with the selfless patience to which Christ calls us in the sacrament.

In a fun-to-read style that incorporates practical psychology, real-life anecdotes, and decades of clinical experience, the Bennetts will show you:
  • The four kinds of spouses — which kind did you marry?
  • How temperament affects the way you and your spouse work, pray, argue, socialize, and show affection
  • Tips for developing the communication skills that your temperament needs most, and for nurturing them in your spouse
  • All the possible temperament combinations in marriage, and how to handle the unique challenges that yours creates
  • Proven ways to learn what really makes your spouse tick!


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