Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Discover beauty's power to save souls

What is beauty?

Why do we need it?

Go to a Catholic parish where
beauty is categorically ignored.

Where there has been virtually
no concern for sacred art or for
making the church building
itself beautiful.

Where little or no attention
is placed on making the music
beautiful or choosing songs with
beautiful lyrics.

Go to a church like that,
where nothing has been invested
in beauty, and then ask:

Is that parish a
stronghold of truth?

Is that parish a
stronghold of goodness?

It’s no coincidence that faith
communities that ignore beauty
are often lukewarm and poorly

If you get rid of truth,
beauty goes too.

What we moderns have forgotten,
the ancients knew well: true beauty
heals the soul, draws us to God, and
yields lasting happiness.

Rich with the wisdom of Plato,
Augustine, Aquinas, and St. John Paul II,
these pages unpack perennial truths
about beauty. . .

. . . and rivet them into your soul,
opening the eyes of your understanding
to the beauty all around us.

Offering an abundance of accessible
examples, author John-Mark Miravalle
demonstrates that beauty is neither in the
eye of the beholder, nor for the cultivated, the
dreamer, or the “hopeless romantic” alone.

On the contrary, the ability to understand,
recognize, and delight in beauty readies all
souls for heaven — and makes it easier
for us to get there.

From these pages, you’ll learn:
  • Why beauty is not just a matter of opinion
  • The virtues we need to perceive beauty and to enjoy it
  • How to determine whether an artwork is truly beautiful
  • The respective roles of reason and emotion in appreciating beauty
  • How the beauty of nature testifies to God’s existence . . . while rejection of God obscures nature’s beauty

With the help of these pages, you’ll
receive fresh eyes to marvel again (or for
the first time) at the beauty of nature, music,
art, architecture, and, most importantly, the
beauty of God, the fountainhead and exemplar
of all things on earth that are beautiful.

Beauty: What It Is and Why It Matters
by John-Mark Miravalle
Paperback — 144 pages

List price: $14.95 
Today's Sale Price: $12.99!

What readers are saying:

"This excellent, short book on beauty
contains profound truths about beauty,
art, and human nature."

"This book is a must-read for artists,
students of philosophy and theology, and
for anyone who is curious to learn more about
the sense of wonder that strikes them when
experiencing art and the beautiful. "

 "A delightful book that should
be on everyone’s must-read list."

"This is an excellent read. The author
delightfully makes his case for the necessity
of beauty, truth, goodness in and
throughout all of our lives."

After reflecting on the
importance and significance
of beauty, take a world class tour
of beautiful Catholic art.

In these fascinating pages,
art historian Elizabeth Lev explains
how a glorious wave of beautiful sacred
art drew people together instead of
driving them apart.

The creative artists who
led the Counter-Reformation
masterfully affirmed the beauty of
the teachings of the Catholic Church.

The Last Judgement by Michelangelo

You will not only meet the
fascinating artists who formed
this cadre's core . . .

. . . but you will revel in scores
of their full-color paintings
beautifully presented.

The Entombment of Christ by Caravaggio

And you will profit from the
lucid explanations of their
lovely creations:

Works that have touched the hearts
and deepened the faith of millions
of pilgrims who have made it to
Rome to gaze upon them.

Today's price:

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