Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The true story of the battle for the Bible

Most Christians have no clue
where the Bible came from…

…or how it came to be
accepted as the inspired
Word of God.

When people learn of its
fascinating history, they become
more enlightened and
engaged Christians.

And they become Catholic. 

About a century after
the crucifixion of Jesus, a battle
began for the Old Testament.

Large numbers of faithful
Christians argued about its contents
and even about its right to be
called a Christian book!

On one side, many Jewish
converts charged Paul and the other
Apostles with a “Great Apostasy,” a
pulling away from the deep roots of
their Jewish tradition.

On the other side, Marcionite
Christians held such antipathy toward
the Old Testament that they advocated
leaving it behind entirely.

The outcome of this conflict
would affect nearly every aspect
of the new Christian Faith — and the
daily lives of believers everywhere,
for centuries to come.

Who won these crucial and
climactic Scripture Wars?

God did, of course—but not without
raising up a great saint…

…whose keen mind and deep
faith expelled from Christianity false
understandings of how the tender
God of the New Testament relates
to the stern God of the Old.

That saint was Justin
of Neapolis, known today as
St. Justin Martyr.

These remarkable pages tell the
exciting story of Justin’s encounters
with the early heresies that nearly
paralyzed the young Church
just as she was struggling
to her feet.

Scripture Wars is an inspiring,
true-life testimony of the providence
of this Early Church Father, whose witness
strengthens the faith of Catholics even
today, eighteen centuries later.

Scripture Wars: How Justin Martyr Rescued the Old Testament for Christians
by Rod Bennett

Paperback | eBook
336 pages

Paperback price: $18.95 
Today's Sale Price: $15.99!
“Where is that
in the Bible?"

"Sorry, I only believe
what’s in the Bible!”

How many times have you
heard that from well-meaning

If you want quick,
substantive answers to the most
common claims that Catholic beliefs
and practices are not biblical, then
this is the book for you.

In these pages, veteran apologist
Dave Armstrong carefully walks you
through the key teachings of the Church,
revealing how each is rooted
in Scripture.

He begins with several essays
on Tradition before moving into
ecclesiology, explaining the basis of
why priests are called “father,” whether
Church councils are more authoritative
than the pope, and more.

All told, Armstrong provides
eighty (80) powerful commentaries that
elucidate Catholic beliefs and practices
that tend to puzzle non-Catholics
and Catholics alike.

Read this book, and you’ll
come to see that the Catholic Faith
is not only thoroughly biblical, but
it's actually the only Christian religion
in full conformity with Scripture.

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