She's the simple peasant girl
they call Queen of Heaven.
She's the Lord's humble servant,
yet an icon of womanly strength.
She's ever-virgin
and the mother of all.
She's lowly and exalted;
filled with grace
and font of grace.
Sinners fly to her . . .
but an angel bowed.
She's Mary, the mother of Jesus:
the most recognized
woman in history.
And the most
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Non-Christians paint her as an earth goddess. | Skeptics say she's a projection of male psychological needs. | And others regard her as a ordinary, sinful woman. |
With all the noise about
our Blessed Mother these days
it's hard to hear the Church's
sure, strong voice speaking
quietly about her.
Now comes
Dr. Mark Miravalle,
intent on helping the Church
dispel the fog of popular nonsense
that obscures Mary today.
Dr. Miravalle describes himself as
"a card-carrying, Rosary-praying Catholic,"
but he's also a veteran professor of theology
at Franciscan University of Steubenville,
and a Mariologist: "one who studies Mary."
To provide sure and ready answers
to the countless questions surrounding Mary
today, Dr. Miravalle has just finished
a slim volume about her:
Meet Mary
Getting to Know
the Mother of God.
Meet Mary leaves behind rumor
and speculation, giving you instead
a clear and straightforward
presentation of what the Church
actually teaches about Mary.
For believing Catholics, it's a
welcome refresher course.
For inquiring non-Catholics and even
non-believers, it's an excellent introduction
to the woman revered by hundreds of millions.
In Meet Mary, you'll encounter:
- Everything the Bible says about her
- What the early Christians believed, and why
- Every one of the key teachings the Church
has ever proclaimed about her.
More importantly (for Mary herself desires
to be known intimately, not academically)
you'll learn how to enter into a personal
relationship with Mary.
You'll soon come to regard Mary as Jesus did:
not as a distant and unapproachable figure
in the heavens, but as a good friend
and a tender, loving mother.
Best of all, Meet Mary will help you
become a better disciple of Jesus.
For the Son commands
us to imitate Him in all
things, and that includes
perfect love of his mother.
Meet Mary |
"It's time for you to know more
about the Mother of the Lord,
and this book will do
precisely that for you."
Dr. Scott Hahn
Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Conclusion Appendix
Meet Mary Dr. Mark Miravalle $12.95 list 144 ppbk 1-800-888-9344 |
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who may be interested.
Other Books on Mary
that might interest you:
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Why all Christians Protestants call it idolatry and modernists see it as quaint superstition, but in these lucid pages written over a century ago, Catholic author Orestes Brownson demonstrates that veneration of Mary and the saints is not merely permissible; it's essential for every Christian who yearns to worship God in spirit and in truth. Worship comes from the Anglo-Saxon word weorthscipe, which means "worthy of honor." And Mary and the saints are worthy of honor more than all other created beings. As Christians praise God in the majesty of the heavens and of the earth, so they praise Him by venerating Him in His saints, who are also the work of His hands and whose good deeds are possible only by His grace. Such praise is not idolatrous because idolatry is the act of rendering to created things the worship that is due to God alone. Catholics do pray to Mary and to the saints, but they don't invoke them as God; they call on them as humans --- humans whose nearness to God in Heaven enables them to assist us here on earth. Catholics simply ask of Mary and the saints what they ask of each other while they live in the flesh: prayers. Brownson explains that veneration of Mary and the saints arises from two central mysteries of our Faith --- the creation and the Incarnation. And he shows that saint worship is not just a pious devotion that Christians can take or leave as they choose. Rather, it must be part of the faith of every Christian, for it serves as a critical safeguard against atheism, pantheism, and idolatry. Saint Worship and the Worship of Mary challenges every Christian --- Catholic and Protestant alike --- to take a fresh look at veneration of Mary and the saints, and to discover in these wise and worthy devotions sure means to keep alive in their souls the great mysteries of our Christian Faith. | Mary, the very She was the first Christian, the first person called to know Jesus personally, and to love and serve Him. Because Mary knew Jesus better than anyone has ever known Him --- and served him more perfectly --- her life is a model for all of us Christians. Unfortunately, our knowledge of Mary is quite limited. Scripture affords us glimpses of only a handful of incidents from her life. But, as Fr. John Kane shows in these pages, the good news is that the details of those incidents are spiritually rich beyond measure. Each one is worthy of contemplation; each contains a lesson for sinners like you and me; each is a lesson direct from the Blessed Mother herself! With spiritual deftness, Fr. Kane here draws from Mary's words and deeds (and even from her silence) the many holy lessons she has for us, so that in our lives we can rely on the wisdom that formed hers. Mary shows us how to grow attentive to God's presence within us, to walk by the light of faith, to remain serene when doubts afflict us, and even --- when we're angry, hurt, or misunderstood --- to bear ourselves toward others as she did. Mary teaches us how to let God direct our steps, how to remain humble in commanding and obeying, and how to seek holiness through our daily work. She shows us how to pray with humility and perseverance, to advance in perfection, and, by doing all these things, to conform ourselves to the holy will of God. Holy Mary, Mother of God is a comprehensive spiritual introduction to Mary, the Mother of God, the greatest saint the Church has ever known, the woman God's own angel declared "blessed among women." Mary --- the first and the best Christian --- is the woman we each should emulate. These crisp, readable chapters show us how to do so. |
Holy Mary, | Saint Worship and the Worship of Mary 192 pages $10.95 |
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