Monday, March 8, 2021

More Wisdom from Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene


The preaching of a holy priest will move hearts; an enlightened director will make souls recognize what God wills; a generous priest will know how to bear fatigue in administering the sacraments. People are won when Christian doctrine is presented as attractively and clearly as it deserves. Thus, Saint Teresa says, we must pray that priests be holy.

— Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene
from The Way of Prayer: A Commentary on St. Teresa’s Way of Perfection

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Aquinas on the Four Last Things


What happens at the
moment we die?

Do our souls
go immediately to
heaven or hell? 

Once there, can they
ever leave?

Can we predict the time of
the Final Judgment?

Few saints have pondered
such questions more deeply than
St. Thomas Aquinas — history’s
greatest theologian.

In these pages, Dr. Kevin Vost
has made readable and accessible
St. Thomas’s core teachings on
the Four Last Things and the
wondrous events God has
in store for us.

Vost explores the destination of
our souls after death and uncovers
the mysteries surrounding
limbo and purgatory.

He unveils what our bodies
will look like at the resurrection
and identifies the four special gifts
that will perfect our bodies
in heaven.

You’ll learn whether sinners
will be “left behind” on earth
and why we pray to the saints
 and for the dead. 

You won’t find here any long,
unwieldy theological treatises, but
rather rapid-fire summaries in simple
language that answer for you a wide
range of questions, including:


  • Will children who die without Baptism suffer eternal punishment? 
  • Where is purgatory mentioned in the Bible?
  • Will our glorified bodies emanate light?
  • How could God, in His justice, punish us eternally for the sins we committed in our short time on earth?
  • What kinds of rewards await us in heaven?

Aquinas on the Four Last Things:
Everything You Need To Know About Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell

by Kevin Vost, Psy. D.
Paperback | eBook
288 pages

Paperback price: $17.95 
Today's Sale Price: $15.99!

Learn to think
like Aquinas.

In this book Dr. Vost explains
St. Thomas Aquinas' approach to
dissecting logical fallacies, heresies,
and half-truths that pollute our world
with muddy thinking.

Best of all, he provides a
fully-illustrated set of exercises
to improve your intellectual powers
of memory, understanding, logical
reasoning, shrewdness, foresight,
circumspection, and practical

You will learn:


  • The four steps to training your memory
  • How to know your mental powers – and their limits
  • Why critical thinking alone is insufficient for reaching the truth
  • Twenty common fallacies – and how to spot them
  • The key to effectively reading any book
  • How to set your intellect free by avoiding worldly entanglements
  • How to commit key truths to memory

Pius XI called St. Thomas Aquinas
the “model” for those who want to
“pursue their studies to the best
advantage and with the greatest
profit to themselves.”

Leo XIII urged us all to
“follow the example of St. Thomas.”

Over the centuries, dozens
of other popes have praised him.

Surely it is time to heed
their advice and “go to Thomas”
and learn to think like him, and,
yes, live like him.



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Daily Quote - Let him never cease from prayer...


Wisdom from Pope Saint John Paul II


Work is a good thing for man -- a good thing for his humanity -- because through work man not only transforms nature, adapting it to his own needs, but he also achieves fulfillment as a human being and indeed, in a sense, becomes "more of a human being."

— Pope Saint John Paul II
from Laborem Exercens

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Failing at Lent? Fulton Sheen is here to help Inbox


As death approaches,
the human heart speaks its
greatest words of love to
those it holds most dear.

So it was with Jesus who in
His final hours gave us seven
last “words,” rich with spiritual
meaning for every human soul.

For the first time ever,
Archbishop Fulton Sheen's
complete writings and reflections
on Christ’s last words have been
compiled into this one book.

Archbishop Sheen shows how
the seven words are, in fact, a full
catechism on the spiritual life.

From them, you’ll learn the secrets
to living the Beatitudes, ways to avoid
the deadly vices of anger, envy, lust, and
pride, and how to cultivate the heavenly
virtues of fortitude, prudence,
justice, and charity.

With Archbishop Sheen
as your guide, you’ll also learn:
  • Why, during His Passion, Jesus never proclaimed his innocence.
  • Why Jesus appealed to His Father to forgive, but did not Himself forgive directly.
  • What Jesus’ third word from the Cross says about lust.
  • Why, like Jesus, the most innocent among us must suffer.
  • Why darkness covered the earth after Jesus spoke his fourth word.
  • What the Passion says about judging others (and why it’s an assault against hope).
  • How the conversion of the good thief is the key to the conversion of our modern world.
  • How envy becomes the denial of all justice and love.
  • The difference between the virtue of hope and the emotion of hope.
Few books are such
an inspiring call to sanctity,
and few books are such a
spiritual powerhouse.


The Cries of Jesus from the Cross:
A Fulton Sheen Anthology

by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Paperback — 400 pages

Save 25% when you
buy two or more copies of
either Fulton Sheen anthology
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March 6, 2021.


Archbishop Fulton Sheen said,
No soul ever fell away from God
without first giving up prayer

Over the course of his storied career,
Archbishop Sheen proclaimed this
surefire pathway to sanctity and 
intimacy with God.


And now, for the first time ever, his
wise teachings on prayer are available in
a single, definitive volume to help you perfect
your prayers and make them what they must
become: a daily, holy habit.

Archbishop Sheen unveils smoldering,
oft-overlooked riches in everyday Catholic
prayers, transforming them from
rote recitations . . .

. . . into powerful moments
of communion with God.

You'll learn how to bring peace
to your soul and grow more
receptive to God’s grace. 

You'll master a variety of techniques 
Sheen employed in his own highly
fruitful quest for holiness.

Best of all, you’ll immerse yourself
in an incomparable collection of
Fulton Sheen’s meditations and 
prayers for every occasion
in the Christian life.

Holy Hours, the Mass, and
even a bit of philosophy: it’s all
here in this delightful anthology
of the works of the saintly
Fulton Sheen!

Lord, Teach Us to Pray: An Anthology
by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Compiled by Al Smith
Paperback — 256 pages

Save 25% when you
buy two or more copies of
either Fulton Sheen anthology
with promotion code:


Code expires on
March 6, 2021.


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Daily Quote - The nobler our loves...


More Wisdom from St. Ignatius of Loyola


There are many ways of offending God by words; for example, by swearing and blaspheming. We must not swear by the Creator, nor by any creature, except with these three conditions -- truth, necessity, respect.

— St. Ignatius of Loyola

from The Spiritual Exercises

Monday, March 1, 2021

Visual Verse of the Day (NIV)


Daily Quote - If you cannot find God...


Wisdom from St. Ignatius of Loyola


Man was created for a certain end. This end is to praise, to reverence and to serve the Lord his God and by this means to arrive at eternal salvation

— St. Ignatius of Loyola

from The Spiritual Exercises