Today, most funeral sermons speak of Heaven . . .

Few speak of Judgment . . .

And almost none speak of Hell.
Yet Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell are the Four Last Things toward which you are moving each hour of the day and night.
The Four Last Things are not meant to frighten you . . .
They are meant to keep you upright when life’s problems and temptations threaten to capsize you or lead you into sin.
For 2,000 years, Christians have kept the Faith by meditating on the Four Last Things.
From them, we come to learn the nature of sin and its frightful consequences.
By them, we are moved to penance and joyful reconciliation with God.
Through them, we nourish a strong and abiding hope of Heaven.
So our generation may reap these same eternal benefits, EWTN host Fr. Wade Menezes has now penned this modest book to help you:
- Understand the reality of Hell
- Dispel sentimental notions about Heaven
- And bring to your attention key — but not so obvious — truths you need to know about Death and Judgment.
It is an indispensable gift for anyone seeking reality and spiritual truth!

From these pages, you’ll learn, among many other things:
- What you can expect beyond the mysterious gates of death
- The five elements of a happy death (and how to ensure that yours will have all five)
- What “fear of the Lord” really means
- How to vanquish crippling fear of death
- What really happens immediately after death
- The twofold judgment each of us must face
- Scores of scriptural passages that prove the reality of Purgatory
- Why it makes sense to pray for the dead
- Why even the most heinous sinner should place his hope in God
- Scriptural details showing what Heaven is really like
- The four amazing characteristics of our physical bodies in Heaven (can you name even one of them?)
- That rather than clouds and harps, there will be “a fulfillment of the deepest human longings that bring supreme happiness”
- What Hell is really like (it’s much worse than physical fire)
- Why the devil wants you to forget about Hell
- How the reality of Hell affirms the dignity of human persons
- The person who condemns souls to hell (Hint: it’s not God!)
- 10 eminently practical steps to help you develop a strong spiritual life by means of the Four Last Things
- A beautiful Litany to St. Joseph, the patron of a happy and holy death
- Prayers to prepare you for Death and Judgment
With the help of The Four Last Things, you’ll soon find yourself refreshingly conscious of the reality of eternity in your daily life.
Better yet, you’ll gain from that consciousness the strength and wisdom you need to remain faithful to God in this life as you strive for salvation in the next.
The Four Last Things will help you on your way to Heaven!