Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What you must learn --- NOW --- about the Devil

Do you still believe in the devil?
Painting of Hell

If he's as mighty, malicious, and intent on our destruction as our Faith teaches, then nothing is more foolhardy than for us to think he doesn't exist.
Still, is there really strong evidence that he exists?
Consider your own temptations: they're annoying and embarrassing, but largely unremarkable and even boring.
But diabolical?
On the contrary, you and I do generally try to be decent folks, as do most the folks we know.
When we consider the many good folks around us, it's easy to dismiss the devil as the product of a fevered medieval imagination.
But then what about the Holocaust? Or the machete massacre of thousands in Rwanda? The murder of 3,000 innocents on 9/11? Fifty million babies slaughtered in our country by abortionists who know exactly what they are doing?
Do horrors on that scale come forth from the hearts of decent folks striving to be good?
Or is there Something More?
A malicious Something Morepresiding with glee over evils vast in scope and horrible in their consequences.
Painting of pandemonium

Faced with such evils, why do we find it hard to believe in the devil?
Fr. Gerald Vann thinks it's because we've got a wildly improbable caricature of the devil stuck in our minds, with horns and tail and smile that even small children can't take seriously.

Image of the devil
Regardless of how it came about, it's Satan's great triumph: sometimes even good Catholics doubt his existence.
Yet he's real.
And bent on your damnation.
Are you prepared to resist his efforts to gain power over your soul?
Good generals spend long hours studying their enemies, to learn their habitual ways of attack, their strengths, their weaknesses, and how others have stymied or even defeated them.
Like a good general, Fr. Gerald Vann, O.P., spent long years studying the devil, with particular attention to that time in the New Testament when the devil tarried so long that his methods were revealed, his strengths, and his weaknesses.

The Devil and How to Resist Him (book cover)
The Devil and How to Resist Himis the fruit of that long study. It's the handbook you need today if you are going to fend off the Devil's attack tomorrow.
Until you have it, you're vulnerable . . . especially to the dangerously subtle methods he uses against people like you, who rarely really doubt his existence, and are generally on guard. From Fr. Vann, you'll learn:
• Why it's foolhardy to deny the Devil's existence or to downplay his power to tempt you
• How he uses your resistance to temptation to make his temptations more effective
• How Christ reveals His love for you in permitting you to be tempted
• How Christ's loneliness in the desert can comfort you
• How His responses to Satan show you how to respond to the temptations Satan places before you
• Why absence of temptation can be more dangerous to your soul than temptation itself
• How to tell which temptations you must resist — and which to simply flee
• Plus: Much more to help you defeat the Devil

"The Devil and How to Resist Him is a very timely reminder for those who still don't take the Devil seriously."
Rev. Benedict Groeschel
"An outstanding book that deals with the presence of evil and evil spirits and the superior force of the Holy Spirit in the spiritual warfare of our time."
Rev. Michael Scanlan

The Devil and How to Resist Him
by Gerald Vann
174 pgs ppbk $18.95

Order online above,or call

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