Friday, November 25, 2011



The first reading (Daniel 7:2-14is one of the four visions of Daniel. God has also bestowed the gift of insight upon Daniel. He gazes upon visions into the night, similar to what we hear in John’s revelations. The language is similarly apocryphal. Daniel completed the book shortly after the fall of the Babylonian Empire.

As Daniel gazes upon his visions, he notices four immense beasts. They represent the various empires that were to take dominance over the Jewish people, namely, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. As he gazes, he sees the sovereign God, the Ancient One, take His place upon the throne. As the books of judgment opened in heaven, he sees one like the son of man. In the new Covenant, this finds its fulfillment in Jesus, the Christ.

The great sea represents the world and all its people. Each beast in the vision has a story of victory and defeat. The lion with eagle’s wings depicts the nation of Babylon with its power torn from beneath it. The bear on its side represents the superiority of the Persian with their various conquests over Lydia, Babylon and Egypt. The leopard signifies the speedy conquests of Alexander the Great. The fourth terrifying beast is the great Roman Empire with its irresistible and surpassing power.

The language is rich in detail and graphics. One can easily imagine this entire scene taking place as if in a movie. One can almost become lost and overwhelmed by the imagery presented to us in the book. The visions are full of hope, awe and wonder at the ultimate victory that God has over His chosen people. Written at the time of Jewish persecution, it would have given a new heart to those who read it.

There are times in our lives when we need vision; without a vision people perish. It is a way of looking beyond, seeing that there is a way out of the present trials and hardships that one is facing. It is not an escape from reality but a looking into the future. It tells us that all will be well because God is in control. Let us be encouraged by the vision of Daniel that we can look beyond the dark night of death into the glorious light of the resurrection. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
Reflection Question:
What is your vision?
Lord, give me a vision for my life that I may see Your guiding light. Amen.
St. Jucunda, pray for us.

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