Saturday, December 8, 2012

Practical Ways to Enter Into Advent
by Father John McCloskey
There are many practical ways through which we can enter into the season of Advent.
Liturgical seasons exist not only for the purpose of celebrating Mass on Sundays, but also for our own daily spiritual benefit. Here are a number of ways in which we can more fully enter into the spirit of Advent – a spirit of expectation, watchfulness, repentance and joy.
Pray the Rosary every day and concentrate on the Joyful Mysteries.
Do a vigil at an abortion center with some friends. You may save a baby and perhaps change the minds of the 'Herods' who run them.
Make a fasting program for Advent and be temperate in food and drink at Christmas parties.
Watch as little television as you can during this time and perhaps watch some classic Christmas movies as a family or with friends
Get the shopping done now and put it behind you.
Look up the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and do one each week until the close of the Christmas season. There are lots of hurting people out there and they need to feel and receive your love.
Talk about the Sacrament of Penance with friends and family and bring them to a good priest who will restore them to grace. How can you beat that for a Christmas present?
Buy and read Pope Benedict's new book about the child Jesus.
Don't throw out your Christmas tree or put the crèche back in the attic the day after Christmas, when the Christmas season has just started.
Get a head start on those new year's resolutions.
Fr. McCloskey's pastoral suggestions are just a few of the ways that one can prayerfully enter into Advent. The Church offers us this time of expectation so that we can more fully prepare for the joy and grace received on Christmas.
Published December 4, 2012 on

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