He was one of America's most popular television personalities.

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Prayer is our lifeline to heaven, but most of us find prayer easy to neglect and even to forget. We tend to avoid it, and sometimes even resist it.
Dom Hubert van Zeller knows why.
"Prayer," says this beloved Benedictine monk who taught scores of souls to pray, "comes from God, is kept going by God, and finds its way back to God by its own power." Prayer is not something we do, but something God does in us.
Which means that all these years, most of us have approached the problem of prayer backward: we've struggled to pray instead of working to remove obstacles to prayer from our hearts — obstacles that prevent God from praying in us and through us.
Sound mystical? Perhaps. But living in accordance with this single truth, elaborated in these pages, not only will make regular prayer possible for you; it will transform your prayers into a source of joy.
Here you'll discover the true meaning and the proper ways of prayer. You'll learn the secret of prayer from the example of Christ in the Gospels and from the prayers of the saints. You'll find out how to overcome distractions and how to deal with disappointment when your prayers seem not to have been answered.
These pages will help you firmly grasp your lifeline to heaven and to never let go.
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