Thursday, April 4, 2019

What Scripture never told you

There's a reason the
Gospels didn't include all
details from the life of Christ.

Because early Gospel readers were familiar
with the Holy Land, details particular to the time
and place of Christ were omitted and lost to history.

Those details were carefully recovered
by Fr. Sertillanges, a celebrated priest who
spent years walking the Holy Land while
meditating on Scripture.

Now he presents his discoveries
in this fascinating book, bringing
 vividly to life those Gospel stories
you've heard so many times.

In a style that has won praise and
admiration, Fr. Sertillanges masterfully
unites the familiar stories of the Gospels
to the peculiar circumstances and
geographical surroundings of Christ's life.

These stories, combined with his
lyrical descriptions of the Holy Land,
bring to life those secret and holy places
sanctified by our Lord.

If you read Scripture regularly,
these pages will open your eyes in ways
no other resource can.

So take up these pages, and let these
reflections deepen your mediations
on the life of Christ.

You'll soon find your faith growing
stronger, your meditations richer, and your
prayers more fervent and more frequent.

33 Years in the Holy Land
What Jesus Saw from Bethlehem to Golgotha

by Fr. A. G. Sertillanges
144 pages — Paperback

List price: $14.95  
Today's Sale price: $12.99

The Holy Land is not the only
relic from Christ's life.

Indeed, countless SAINTS
have gone on pilgrimage
to another holy place. . .

And over 45 POPES
have sanctioned it.

Now you, too, can come to know
the house of the Virgin Mary . . .

. . . where tradition tells us
Mary herself was born . . .

. . . and where Jesus
became flesh and spent
his first twelve years.


Here is the comprehensive tale
of the Holy House in Nazareth, its complete
history, from construction to its miraculous
transport to Loreto, Italy, in the late 1200s.

You'll read about:
  • Its veneration in Nazareth before it mysteriously disappeared, leaving only its foundation.
  • Its sudden, miraculous appearance on a hillside in Italy, dismaying local residents.
  • How amazed Italians used exacting detective skills in Italy and later in Palestine to discover where the house had come from.
  • How believers have venerated Our Lady of Loreto and revered her Holy House for over 700 years now.
  • The 15th Century erection of a magnificent basilica over the humble Holy House, and the 16th century enclosing of the fragile structure in a grand marble encasement.
  • The cure in the Holy House of two Popes in succession (and the many other miracles witnessed here).

Believers will be thrilled
and consoled by the evidence
presented in these pages.

Skeptics will have their doubts
tempered and come to see that this
Holy House is a miraculous dwelling
and testament to the loving
power of God.

Obtain your copy of
The House of the Virgin Mary
and ride its spiritual power through
Holy Week and into Easter Sunday!

    Get BOTH

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