Thursday, August 22, 2019

Weapons of spiritual warfare

There’s no getting around
it: devout Catholic life
involves conflict.

Christ said, “Do you think that
I have come to establish peace
on the earth? No, I tell you,
but rather division.”

So prepare yourself for battle
with these powerful books
on spiritual warfare.


"The vigor with which you
resist the enemy will be the
measure of the reward which
will follow the combat."
St. Ignatius of Loyola

An Exorcist Explains the Demonic
Where does the Evil One dwell in the human body?

What does daily life look like for a possessed person?

Can the devil read your thoughts?

From Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the renowned exorcist in Rome, comes this powerful, eye-opening book on the deadly antics of Satan and his fallen angels, as well as spiritual remedies for each.

Spiritual Combat
St. Francis de Sales carried a copy of this book in his pocket for 18 years.

Its wisdom formed his soul; it inspired him to a life of the deepest devotion, and ultimately it helped him become one of the Church's greatest saints.

Now this book can do the same thing for you.

The Art of Spiritual Warfare
Since the beginning of time, a fierce spiritual battle has raged between the forces of good and evil.

To claim victory, God is calling us to engage in spiritual warfare as the only way to save the world from the desolation that is sure to come.

In these pages, theologian Venatius Oforka explains that we are part of a spiritual web through which God acts to save souls. No longer does God create out of nothing. Instead, He achieves His purposes through the prayers and actions we pour in. 

An Exorcist Explains How to Heal the Possessed
What are the true signs of diabolical possession?

When is it necessary to call a priest?

What tools are at your disposal to fight attacks of the Devil?

From one of the world’s leading exorcists comes this eye-opening book to help you recognize genuine cases of diabolical possession — and know what to do when your friends or family show behaviors that leave you suspicious.

Father Amorth
What is the best protection against attacks from the Evil One?

Can an unshakeable devotion to Our Lady inoculate us from demonic interference?

How can we fight against the pervasive evil found in society today?

In this collection of never before published interviews, the late Vatican chief exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth explains the urgent need to re-Christianize Christians to prevent more souls from falling under Satan’s deceitful control. 

Who is the Devil?
Is there a simple way to banish fear of the devil?

What powers do witches and sorcerers have?

What is Satanism?

In these pages, Nicolas Corte gives you incontrovertible proof that Satan exists, that he and his legions of devils assault you daily, and that by means of relentless attacks they intend to corrupt you, damn you, and drag you into Hell along with those you love and all the rest of mankind.


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