Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Catholic scientist explains how God made Earth our home

Most modern scientists argue
that Earth is a cosmic accident,
the mystifying result of billions
of years of random events.

In this inspiring work, scientist
Gerard Verschuuren confronts
those men and women on their
own territory.

With clear, well-documented
assertions, he shows that the latest
findings of modern cosmology, physics,
chemistry, and geology all point to an
artful conception — and by extension,
a Master Architect.

Instead of the vaunted "randomness"
of our immense universe, scientists are
discovering indisputable patterns
in the structures of matter
and energy.

Over the eons, these distinctive
patterns drove the universe inexorably
toward formation of the Earth as what
we experience it to be: our secure,
exceptional, and singularly
welcoming home.

In these pages, you'll learn:
  • Why the universe is so old . . . and so vast!
  • Earth's unique chemical and geological characteristics that make it a hospitable place for mankind
  • How the moon became critical to life on Earth
  • How volcanism, mass extinctions, and even changes in the Earth's orbit prepared the way for mankind
  • Evidence that evolutionary changes are not, as the atheists claim, random
  • Why the Catholic Church has always distinguished the Book of Scripture from the Book of Nature
  • How science presupposes the existence of God without even realizing it!
  • The limitations of the scientific method and how those limitations trip up scientists
  • The many hidden, unscientific dogmas of science
  • The errors of Stephen Hawking and other popular cosmologists
  • Why science wrongly denies that the universe was made for mankind
  • Evidence that we live in a purpose-driven world (and why science is blind to it)
  • And much more!

In the Beginning: A Catholic Scientist
Explains How God Made Earth Our Home

by Gerard Verschuuren
Paperback — 192 pages

List price: $18.95 
Today's Sale Price: $15.99!
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