While dissolute bishops and priests around the world grab headlines for their untoward words and deeds . . .

. . . too many other unfruitful priests see themselves as little more than activists and well-meaning social service workers.

Top and bottom, is this the Church that Christ intended?
Are these the priests we need?

In these compelling pages, author Kevin Wells explains how dedicated priests can tread the narrow path of holy self-sacrifice first blazed by the apostles themselves.
From scores of insightful interviews with modern priests, exorcists, seminary teachers, and disillusioned laity, Wells draws forth a blueprint for priestly holiness. |
"This is the book we need to sort through the moral chaos afflicting Catholicism in the modern world."
Matt Walsh Writer, author, speaker, The Daily Wire
This plan can once again fill our Church with priests abounding with supernatural faith, on fire with God’s love, and moved by the impulse to save souls, no matter the cost to themselves.
Reading this book will deepen your own faith and help you understand what all priests, by their vocation, are consecrated and called to be. |
"The descriptive power and eternal truths of this book make it a prayer for the priesthood."
Patti Armstrong Author and journalist, National Catholic Register
Giving a copy to your parish priest will help him – and encourage him – to become a member of the small but growing contingent of holy priests we need. |
We strongly encourage you to consider buying copies for every priest you know, which would be a great service to the Church.
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Watch the 90-second video trailer. |
The Priests We Need to Save the Church Video Trailer |
Notes from Priests to Author Kevin Wells:
"Thank you for your witness, Kevin. I am striving to be a better priest because of Fr. Tommy, you and for my parishioners. Please pray for me and my holiness."
"Kevin, your book inspires us priests to bring healing to our hurting Church in America through the old-school remedies of increased prayer, penance and more intense self-giving to the people God has put under our care!”
"I'm already five chapters into your book, Kevin, and I can't tell you how much it encourages me in the vocation to which God has called me and inspires me yet again to truly want to lay down my life for Christ's Bride, His Church."
"Kevin - you capture the desire of priests facing the catastrophes in the Church. Thankfully, your book manages to re-present the cures that have medicated Mother Church for years… Thank you for your witness and words. They have emboldened me as a parish priest."
Priests are called to fight evil, but they cannot fight it alone.
As attacks on the priesthood intensify, you have a vital role to play in supporting priestly renewal and vocations.
Those men who have answered God's call depend upon you to wield the most powerful weapon against the evil one: prayer.

In these pages, celebrated retreat master and author Kathleen Beckman offers Church-approved ways in which you can contribute to the welfare of the Church.
Priests, seminarians, consecrated religious, and laypeople will all benefit from insights into . . .
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- The mission of praying for priests in the context of the New Evangelization
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- Scriptural rosaries dedicated to priests, vocations, and reparation
Holier priests lead to a holier Church.
Because prayer is a source of grace and the mother of all virtues, you can call down showers of graces upon the priesthood.
The Church and her priests need your prayers now more than ever, and here you'll find the keys for unlocking your special calling from God that will help save souls in our time.
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