Thursday, May 28, 2020

A call to arms for spiritual warriors

Why are so many leading
Christians watering down the
robust teachings of our Faith?

Ignoring Christ’s clear direction
to boldly confront evils, they preach a
different gospel, one that’s more feel-
good, non-confrontational, lax.  

Instead of exhorting the faithful
to edify the wayward, they urge them
to submit . . . with catastrophic results
personally, for the Church and
for society at large.

Now comes Fr. Dwight Longenecker
with this potent book that shows how
good Christians can cure this trend and
repair the damage it has caused.

How? By engaging in the lost
art of spiritual warfare.

But be forewarned: this book is
not for the half-hearted. If you read
it seriously, you will be shaken
to the core.

For Fr. Longenecker plunges
deep into the abyss to lay bare
the heart of darkness.

Without fear, he maps out the
myriad places where the Evil One 
lurks in our world, shines a light on its
many faces and details the clever
tricks it uses to hide.

He offers 10 sturdy principles
that must motivate all Christians who
seek to extinguish evil and prevent
it from returning.

And he explains in detail the
art of immortal combat, showing
how embracing the Cross can bring
victory over any evil, no matter how
hidden or how grave.

This book calls you to sanctity.
And sanctity is impossible apart from
heroic virtue, which in turn is impossible
without spiritual warfare.

So if you want to accept Jesus’s
command to become a warrior for Him,
this book is for you. As the author puts
it, “Find a saint, and you’ll
find a warrior.

Immortal Combat: Confronting the Heart of Darkness
by Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Paperback — 160 pages

Praise for Immortal Combat:

"As a bishop in this devastating time I encourage you to read and ponder Fr. Longenecker’s book, Immortal Combat."
Bishop Joseph E. Strickland
Diocese of Tyler

"This is a powerful book that will deepen the spiritual lives of many."
Dan Burke

President of the Avila Institute
"Immortal Combat grabs you by the scruff of the neck, holds you up to the mirror of Truth, and dares you to become the warrior for Christ you are called to be."
Johnnette Benkovic Williams

Host and Founder of EWTN's Women of Grace
"Immortal Combat helps us understand—in clear and unambiguous language—how we live, what we live for, and what we would die for."
Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

Author, Father Augustus Tolton: The Slave Who Became the First African-American Priest
"Immortal Combat will help equip you to triumph in the battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil, as well as against laziness, compromise, and error."
Patrick Madrid

Host of The Patrick Madrid Show on Relevant Radio

Further fortify your mission
with advice from spiritual
expert Dan Burke.

In this concise yet powerful book,
former EWTN News President Dan Burke
presents the time-tested wisdom of Catholic
mystics to explain the influence the Enemy
has on your mind and heart, and the
tactics you need to combat him.

With St. Ignatius as his guide,
Burke presents an indispensable manual
for engaging in daily battle with the
Adversary—combat that is both
necessary and winnable

The book will help you recognize
the ebbs and flows of consolation and
desolation, and distinguish between the
voices of God and of Satan.

Best of all, you’ll come to see the
spiritual life not as a science to be
learned, but as an intuitive art to be
practiced as you move with increasing
success from habitual sin to sanctity.

For the Christian who is awake,
the battle for one’s soul
is unavoidable.

The saints triumphed by
learning how to be spiritual warriors
and by recognizing that we become
stronger through battle and grow
weaker from avoidance.

Read these pages and
be prepared for battle.



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