Thursday, September 3, 2020

How science points to God


Does God exist? 

Where can we find an
irrefutable answer? 

Could it be in science?

The skeptical scientists honored in
our culture often claim that science
has disproved God’s existence
once and for all.

We are told that science and religion
are wholly incompatible and that those
of us who profess faith in God are
unwilling to bend our wills
to the truth.

In this highly gratifying book,
scientist Dr. Gerard Verschuuren
flips this assertion around, showing time
and time again how it is not the Christians,
but rather the scientists, who are unwilling
to incline their wills to the truth when
it presents itself.

Dr. Verschuuren helps us to
recognize science’s limited scope, how
it is restricted to what can be dissected,
measured, and counted. It is not the only
pathway to knowledge.

Science operates within the realm of
nature. It cannot, therefore, make aesthetic
judgments or moral judgments or draw
conclusions about the supernatural,
which is, by definition, beyond
the realm of nature.

Science is likewise ill-equipped to
explore ethereal concepts such as beauty
and love. It explores only the how,
never the why.

But science can, and does,
point us in the direction
of the Creator.

With clear, well-documented
explanations, Dr. Verschuuren carefully
guides you through the fields of science,
identifying the many “hints” and “signs”of
God’s existence in genetics, neuroscience,
behavioral science, semantics,
logic, and math.

Taken together, these hints provide
an overwhelming case for the existence of
God that is practically impossible to deny.

How Science Points to God teaches
you to approach scientific processes and
discoveries with a mind of faith, bringing
you to a far deeper understanding of who
we are and how we came to be.

In this way, science is moving us toward
ultimately proving the existence of God,
while inspiring and intensifying
our faith along the way.

How Science Points to God
by Dr. Gerard Verschuuren
Paperback — 208 pages

List Price:  $14.95 
Today's Sale Price: $12.99!


Don't stop there.

Get more wisdom from
Dr. Verschuuren and save with
this specially priced set.


Here Dr. Verschuuren shows
that it is reason that gives us access
to both scientific discovery and
the existence of God.

When we use our reason
to investigate God’s existence, we
encounter proofs that are more
powerful, by far, than any that
science could ever provide.

Yes, Verschuuren is a Catholic;
but he’s also a long-standing scientist,
schooled in using reason alone to draw
forth from evidence the proofs to
which it necessarily leads.

Among the many truths that
Verschuuren evinces here by reason
alone are the following:


  • Why science is not qualified to speak about the existence, or nonexistence, of God
  • The many ways we can know for certain that God exists
  • How we know that God is all-perfect
  • How God can be all-knowing
  • How we know He is all-powerful
  • What it means to say that He is “all-present”
  • Why the same God cannot be the God of all religions
  • And much more that reveals the enormous power of reason — and the even greater power of God!

Verschuuren’s stunning proofs for
God’s existence — based on evidence
alone — will open your eyes, stir your heart
and, more importantly, deepen your faith
in the wondrous Creator of
Heaven and earth!



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