Friday, September 28, 2018

Wisdom from Dr. Scott Hahn

Christ is successful in a public way for the sake of the world. Christ’s failures are actually his glory. That’s the cryptogram for all Christians. He just said, ‘He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life in this world will keep it.’ ‘Want to see? Exhibit A, it’s me. Because I’ve come to my hour,’ and it’s the hour of his Passion, the hour of his Death, the hour of his humiliation and his Resurrection. Communicating this message to all Christians: be conformed to Christ. You’re successful in your ministry with your gifts in converting people and in deepening the faith of your roommate or your friends or family for their sake. But you suffer and you fail and you’re humiliated for your own sake. We think when we prosper, we’re growing. No. When we prosper, others grow. When we fail, then we grow.

from The Gospel of John

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