Thursday, September 25, 2008



The Reproductive "Health" Bills in the Philippines

Reproductive Health Bills are pushed by the PLCPD (Phil. Legislative Committee for Population and Development), a foreign funded NGO with offices questionably located in Congress, precisely where our laws are made. This is in complete violation of our national sovereignty and our pro-family and pro-life Constitution. With formidable financial resources (including the P2 billion budget this year, and backed by a powerful conglomerate of NGO's), they further promote:

* Contraceptive pills, which have side-effects on women (cancer, premature hypertension, heart disease, etc.);
* IUD's, which are abortifacient and may cause intrauterine trauma, pelvic infections and ectopic pregnancy;
* Condoms, as "safe sex" when in fact they have high failure rate even against pregnancy and thus do not protect against AIDS and other STD's;
* Tubal ligation and vasectomy especially targetting the poor, leaving them without the chance to have more children (for example, in case of improved economic situation, or death of their present children) and no support in their old age;
* Value-free sex education that will weaken parental authority and incite adolescents to early sexual activity.

We would rather call them the "reproductive death" bills. They are totally silent on the aforementioned ills which will bring DEATH not only on the body, but to the person, family and society as well: D-ivorce, E-uthanasia, A-bortion, T-yrranical population control, and H-omosexual unions.

A Call to Defend the Filipino Family Against these Bills

We call on all Filipino Families to defend ourselves by defending life. We have so far succeeded in foiling many of the attempts of our lawmakers to enact reproductive health statutes. We believe they are being enticed by monetary and other compensations, but we hope that they will see the grim reality behind reproductive "health." But now could be our last chance. Many countries have fallen into the subtle and the blatant attacks against their families. It is time to organize ourselves better and pressure our leaders to come up with
pro-family and pro-life legislation and programs.

We call all men and women of good will, of all creeds, social standing, and political affiliations, to further promote the family. Let us patronize family-safe establishments, and complain to our civil authorities against those offering drugs, gambling, pornography and prostitution, especially those surrounding our homes and our children's schools. Let us BOYCOTT products and services that degrade sex and women in their advertisements. Let us review the textbooks used by our children for promiscuous and anti-parental content. Let us make TV stations know that we want wholesome family entertainment.

Recovering the Family's True Nature

We hope that in the end, children may see their parents as role models of family warmth and citizenship, and that parents and grandparents may experience the appreciation and respect of their children whom they have truly loved and guided. Humane Vitae prophetically warned that we could lose our values if we go against God's design on the responsible transmission of life within the family.

May the Filipino Family, which is the sanctuary of life and love, rediscover and reclaim the peace and joy that rightly belong to us.

[* Flyers available /taken from Sto. Nino de Paz Community, Greenbelt Chapel]

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