Friday, April 27, 2012

95 Bible verses that confound Protestant


In 1517, the rebel
monk Martin Luther nailed ninety-five
anti-Catholic theses
to a church door in
Germany, igniting a Protestant rebellion that to this day,
continues to confuse
Catholics and lures
many of them out
of the Church.

Now comes Dave Armstrong, countering
Protestant attacks on the Church with
ninety-five pro-Catholic passages from
an authority far greater than Luther:
the Bible itself.
Protestants (and even many Catholics) will be surprised
to see the beliefs of Catholics confirmed so forcefully
by these ninety-five Bible verses.
Not Armstrong!
As a Bible-believing Protestant, he studied Scripture
intently, seeking to come to know God and His will.
There Armstrong encountered so many Catholic verses
that he came to realize that, contrary to popular belief,
the Bible is a Catholic book, a book that:
  • was written by Catholics 
  • was preserved by Catholics for
    1,400 years before Luther was born
    and even today, 

  • confirms the claims of the Catholic Church.
"No wonder," says Armstrong, "early Protestant opinion was
virtually identical to today's Catholic beliefs."
To share his discoveries with others and help them
find the Church that Christ established for them,
Armstrong has now written a remarkable book,
The Catholic Verses: 95 Bible Passages
that Confound Protestants
Catholic Verses cover
Here, with humility and care, Armstrong explains
ninety-five key Bible passages that confound all
who would use Scripture to attack
the Church and Her doctrines.
Nor are these ambiguous passages
plucked from the recesses of the Bible.
On the contrary, each is a major passage:
clear, powerful, and central to
Christ's life and message
in the Bible.
No wonder the Catholic verses in the Bible
have drawn so many serious believers
— including Armstrong — out of their Protestant
congregations and into the Catholic Church.
For in every case, a fair-minded reading
of these passages supports the Catholic position
on the key issues that divide
Protestants from Catholics.
For example, in The Catholic Verses
you'll find incontrovertible Biblical evidence
that Catholicism is right about:
  • The nature of baptism
  • The communion of saints
  • The Eucharist and the Church
  • The authority of the Pope
  • The Bible and tradition
  • The salvific role of faith good works,
    relics, purgatory, and Mary

  • The immorality of divorce
    and contraception

  • And much more.
The Catholic Verses — essential reading
for all who seek to know and understand
God's word in the Bible and to discover
His will for us today.

Catholic Verses cover
The Catholic Verses
95 Bible
that Confound Protestants
by Dave
256 pgs ppbk

Order Here
or call
Sophia Institute Press
Box 5284
NH 03108

Dave Armstrong was a Protestant campus missionary before he
converted to Catholicism in 1991. He is the author of numerous books and has written many articles on the Faith for Catholic periodicals.

The Catholic Verses isn't Dave Armstrong's only book.  
Book jacket
In fact, in A Biblical Defense of Catholicism, Armstrong undertook nearly two decades of study to resolve, once and for all, the core issues that divide Catholics and Protestants:
1. Is the Bible (as Protestants claim) the sole rule of faith? (Or does it actually direct us elsewhere for answers about disputed questions of faith?)
2. Does the Bible teach, as many Protestants claim, that believers can be saved by faith alone? (Or is the Catholic Church right: there's more that we must do.)
3. Does the Bible forbid us to honor Mary? (Or does it explicitly call us to venerate her, as Catholics do?)
4. Does the Bible clearly teach, as Catholics claim, that at the Last Supper (and in the Mass) bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Jesus? Or do they remain just symbols?
5. Does the Bible forbid (or encourage) prayer to saints?
In A Biblical Defense of Catholicism, Armstrong details the surprising discoveries he made — discoveries that will help you see, as Armstrong now does, that Catholicism is the biblical church par excellence, discoveries that will help you convince your friends of this truth, too.
And that's not all!
Book jacket
In Bible Proofs for Catholic Truths, Armstrong gathers under 115 thematic headings all the passages in Scripture relating to key Catholic doctrines.
This arrangement makes it easy for readers to consider systematically — as the Church does — all the parts of the Bible that relate to any particular Catholic belief.
Whether you’re a Protestant seeking to understand Catholicism, or a Catholic wanting to defend Catholic teaching or learn more about its biblical basis, these three books are precisely what you need to understand — and defend — the Catholic Faith more fully.

Set of three books.
Click here to order all three books and save 15%
when you 
enter code HLDA15 at checkout.
(*Shipping not included. Not eligible for any other discount.
Offer ends 4/30/12.

Order online now or call
Sophia Institute Press
Box 5284, Manchester, NH 03108

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