Tuesday, July 21, 2020

NEW! Online family faith formation program

Do you want to pass on the
Faith to your children but
don't know where to start?

Do you need a structured
program to help keep your
family's faith formation
on track?

Would you like to learn the
Faith as you teach it to
your children?

Based on our extremely
popular family catechesis program
operating in hundreds of parishes,
we're now introducing . . . 

A Family of Faith Online!

A Family of Faith Online is a unique, structured, online program that helps you instill in your children a broad understanding of the Catholic Church's teachings while connecting you to an online community with personalized support.

Here's How it Works:
Each month, attend a
live parent retreat

Each month, join us for a live, interactive 45-minute retreat that covers the topic for the month and briefly walks through the suggested activities. If you miss it, you can watch a recording.

Use the books to
teach your children

Throughout the month, engage your children with 3 to 4 multi-age activities using step-by-step guidance in the Parent’s Guide. Your children will do the activities for their age range in the Children's Activity Book.

Each year, A Family of Faith Online
covers one pillar of the Catechism.

Beginning in September 2020,
we will explore what the Church teaches
about prayer and how to begin or deepen
your conversations with God.


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