Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Cardinal who may be the next pope

Of all the cardinals who serve
Holy Mother Church . . .

Only one will become the
next Holy Father.

Some are longshots,
while others are viewed as
leading contenders.

Surprisingly, many of these
cardinals know little about each
other's lives, work, and teachings.

Now comes a stunning book
that unveils the lives, ecclesial
backgrounds, and opinions of
the 19 leading candidates.

To what purpose?

To bring sunlight and assist the
cardinal-electors in making what
many call the most important
decision of their lives.

Developed by an international team of
eminent scholars and compiled by Vatican
journalist Edward Pentin, The Next Pope
presents the College of Cardinals—and
you—with the fruits of their
years of research.

For each featured cardinal there
is a condensed biography charting the
major touch points of his ecclesiastical life,
followed by a detailed, well-documented
report and assessment of his work,
 teachings and public statements.

Pentin focuses in particular on their
three critical roles as priest, bishop and
teacher, and their published views on the
moral and theological issues currently
debated in the Church and public arena.

Each intimate profile concludes
with a summary of the the main points
brought to light by the research, giving
readers a fair and accurate picture of
the man who may soon become
The Next Pope.

Some of the Cardinals you will
meet in The Next Pope include . . .

Cardinal Gerard Ludwig
Müller, Sean Cardinal O'Malley,
Pietro Cardinal Parolin, Robert
Cardinal Sarah, and Christoph
Cardinal Schönborn.

Order now to learn the rest!

The Next Pope: The Leading Cardinal Candidates
by Edward Pentin
Paperback | eBook
704 pages

Paperback Price:  $29.95 
Today's Sale Price: $24.99!
"The Next Pope offers accurate and verifiable information which allows the Church and future elector Cardinals to know these men and their resumes more fully as they deliberate the crucial choice of a new Vicar of Christ."

Most Rev. Joseph Strickland

Bishop of of Tyler
"The Next Pope is an indispensable gift to the Church at this time, providing those entrusted with electing the next pope, and others advising the electors, an invaluable aid in assessing the quality of the candidates"

Janet Smith

Retired Moral Theologian
"I did TV commentary from Rome on EWTN and the Fox News Channel at the 2013 conclave that elected Jorge Bergoglio to succeed Pope Benedict XVI. How I wish I had a book like this back then!"

Fr. Gerald E. Murray, JCD

Member of EWTN's Papal Posse and pastor of Holy Family Church, New York, NY 
"The Next Pope is a first-class investigation about the nineteen candidates for the Throne of Peter, but above all because, through the papabili profiles, he introduces us to the post-Francis era."

Professor Robert de Mattei
"Edward Pentin not only provides essential facts, but also insight into each prospective candidate’s character, both personal and ecclesial."

Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Capuchin

Former member of the Vatican's International Theological Commission
"Edward Pentin's meticulously documented and very readable outline of the men most likely to be the next pope will be of great help to Catholics and non-Catholics alike trying to understand many of the complex dynamics which help determine who ends up in the Chair of Saint Peter."

Samuel Gregg

Research Director, Acton Institute

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