Monday, May 7, 2018

More wisdom from St. Thomas Aquinas

If I were to see God, I would know with no doubt or hesitancy that everything in Scripture and truth of Christianity comes from God. I would know it with no doubt. But the problem is I have not seen God. What that means is I accept divine revelation by faith. And faith is that midpoint between scientific knowledge and opinion. Faith is where I accept with certainty that which has come to me from God, on the authority that God has spoken it, that God has revealed it.

St. Thomas doesn’t just leave us there. He doesn’t just say we accept it on the authority that it comes from God. St. Thomas says there are other corroborating evidences, there are fitting arguments that support this conclusion that Scripture comes from God, that Christianity comes from God, and that it is the answer to this human question to know God, the final cause.

from The Apologetics of St. Thomas Aquinas

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