Monday, December 3, 2018

More wisdom from Jeff Cavins

In John 10:11 Jesus says, ‘I am the Good Shepherd. The shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.’ The number one thing I want to establish is this: Jesus has taken the ultimate responsibility as the Shepherd of our souls. He is the one who has stepped up to the plate and said, ‘I am your Shepherd. I love you. I will feed you. I will protect you. I will guide you.’ The question is, what is he going to feed us? How is he going to guide us? How will he protect us? We will see that it may not be in a form that we always choose. And there are problems in the Church today, we all know that. But through all of it, he manages to feed us. Why? Because he’s the Shepherd and we rely on his ability to feed us, not on the cleverness of men; not on the ingenuity of men or the verbal eloquence of men. Remember, I’m building an argument here from who has the responsibility—Jesus—to how is he going to feed us and what he is going to feed us.

from I’m Not Being Fed

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