Thursday, March 14, 2019

How Christianity Saved Civilization and Must Do So Again

Ancient Rome’s brutal culture
exploited the weak and considered
human life expendable.

Women were used
as property; unwanted children
were left on the streets to die.

Four centuries later,
even ordinary men and women
prospered in what had become a
vigorous new Christian society – a
society that served the vulnerable,
exalted women, treasured virtue,
and loved peace.

Faith had triumphed.
Truth was proclaimed.

And on this rock-solid foundation,
Christian society flourished in the
West for the next 1500 years.

How in the world
did this happen?

These eye-opening pages document
the ways in which Christians penetrated
and civilized Rome—and can do so again
in our troubled post-Christian America.

Introducing then-radical notions
such as the equal dignity of women,
respect for life, protection of the weak
and vulnerable, and the obligation of
rulers to serve those they rule, Christians
revolutionized society.

Author Mike Aquilina

This rich volume will show
you the seven specific areas where
any paganism, ancient or modern,
is vulnerable.

It provides a roadmap for modern
Christians to reclaim for the Faith our
own debased modern culture.

Watch author Jim Papandrea
introduce the book on our website:

Facing an overwhelmingly dark
and hostile culture, Rome’s early Christians
took the steps necessary to transform it.

We must follow their example
and do the same—and the struggles and
hard lessons documented here give
us the roadmap.

How Christianity Saved Civilization
...And Must Do So Again

by Mike Aquilina and James Papandrea
Paperback — 270 Pages

List price: $18.95 
Today's Sale Price: $14.99!

The goal of re-Christianizing
our culture CAN be achieved,
because as this next book
demonstrates, God NEVER
abandons us!

From the first days of the
Christian era, at key moments when
civilization hung in the balance,
God has intervened . . .

. . . sometimes subtly, sometimes
dramatically, but ever and always He
has come forward himself or given
strength to those who were
faithful to him.

In Ten Dates Every Catholic
Should Know
, historian Diane
Moczar tells of ten such instances
that literally changed the course
of history, including . . .
  • Constantine, the pagan general who, in a desperate hour, saw a vision that made him a Christian and led to the conversion of the entire Roman Empire.
  • Pope St. Leo, who confronted Attila the Hun face-to-face and, without sword or dagger, turned back this "Scourge of God" and all his murderous hordes.
  • The surprising victories of the outgunned armies that thrust back the Moors, the Turks, and the barbarians — just when Christendom faced annihilation.
  • Plus: St. Genevieve, Pepin the Short, Pope St. Pius V, St. Margaret Mary, and countless others who, in crucial moments, were called by God to save his people and give new life to our culture and his Church.

Ten Dates Every Catholic
Should Know 
is essential reading for
any Catholic who wants to understand
the history of our Faith.

But it will give you more
than knowledge: you'll close this
book with renewed confidence that no
matter how dark and dangerous the times
may be, God has never abandoned his
people . . . and never will.


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