Thursday, April 21, 2011


The Passover was a huge festive event in the life of the Jewish religious. Every year, the people would re-enact that wonderful “pass over” of the Lord as He led the Israelites from slavery to freedom. It was rich in symbolism, history and celebration. All people, from the youngest to the eldest, were to take part in this lasting memorial.
The Gospel is the story of the washing of the feet, one of the central rituals of the night liturgy on Holy Thursday. One of the common tasks of the household slave was feet washing. The roads were hot and dusty, and so the slave would offer this gesture as a sign of hospitality. The visitor would have his feet washed and welcomed into the home of the host. This reveals to us that Jesus takes upon Himself the task of a slave, but He adds a new meaning — just as He has washed the feet of the disciples, they, too, must do the same. The ritual practiced every Holy Thursday, a symbol of Jesus’ great love, is a call to us to love one another as He has loved us.
The opening sentence in the Gospel is the beginning of the fourth Eucharistic prayer. Jesus loves His own in the world and the act of feet washing and giving bread are gestures of His love. He even washed the feet of Peter, who was to deny Him, and Judas, who was to betray Him. Amazing love!
Are we willing to wash the feet of one another? Are we willing to take upon the menial task of reaching out in love and humility? Are we willing to love no matter what denial or betrayal we may experience from those dear to us? Let us reflect and imitate Jesus who washes the feet of all disciples. He is fully aware of what will happen in a few hours. Is there a Peter among you? Is there a Judas in your life? Are you willing to love them even if they do not change their ways? Challenging, isn’t it? Moreover, Jesus has shown us the example: As I have loved you. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL

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