Saturday, April 16, 2011


The stage is set. The plan is put in motion. The high priest, Caiaphas, has spoken as the highest authority and he is about to rule that Jesus is to be killed.

The famous quote of Caiaphas that one should die that the whole nation might not perish is an extraordinary prophecy in itself. John comments that he is speaking as high priest, but reading between the lines we see the effect of our salvation at hand. Jesus is the savior of the world. His sacrifice upon the cross was so that we might not perish but endure to eternal life. His body was given up for the salvation of all. The comment of the evangelist was very fitting: that Jesus would die not only for the nation but to gather the scattered children of God. We are told in the Gospel that at this point of Jesus’ life, many are coming to Him. Apparently, this is seen as a great threat to the Romans and the Jews seek to remedy the situation at all costs. Hence, Jesus must be done away with.

We are not very far from Holy Week where the whole Church will trace the steps of the Master leading to His death. It will be a good exercise to read one of the Passion narratives this coming week to enter more deeply into the mystery of our salvation. The quote of Caiaphas makes for good meditation: “One man to die instead of the people so that the whole nation might not perish.” For Caiaphas, his interests were political. However, for us now, it means that we enjoy the benefits of Jesus’ death upon the cross. We are called to eternal life. God does not will that we suffer and die in our sins. Jesus has come that we may have life and have it to the full. We do not perish but have the opportunity to repent of our sins and accept this great gift of salvation that Jesus offers from the cross. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
Reflection Question:
Jesus died on the cross to gather the scattered children of God.
Lord, I am grateful that You love me and gave Yourself for me. Amen.
St. Drogo, pray for us.

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